Vbt Europe VBT Europe

4. VBT Europe offers an integrated suite of security advisory and consulting assessments, and managed security services to help you manage risk and create a sustainable business advantage in mainframe.

5. We’ve been in the IT business for more than 40 years. We work with global leaders in finance, healthcare, insurance, and government, and have a reputation for being flexible, reliable and responsive to our clients needs and requirements.

6. Our security team of experts has decades of experience in the private and public sectors, with more than 20 years of security work.

7. We’re experienced in designing and implementing Security and Software solutions from best-in-class providers including, IBM, CA, BMC and many others.

8. The VBT Europe Mainframe Security Team focuses on solutions that reduce vulnerabilities and provide enhanced security capabilities in mainframe.

VBT Europe Mainframe Security Services

To reduce the attack surface and strengthen your organization’s security posture and ensure compliance, all mainframe systems and running applications must be continuously assessed for misconfigurations or vulnerabilities.

Enhanced Security and Assessment

VBT Europe Mainframe Security Services, Proactive Security and On-demand Expertise

• a flexible, modular and cost-effective way to secure your mainframe
• Managed Services
• Security Assessments
• Compliance Posture
• Audit and Mainframe Healthchecking
• Comprehensive technical and management training courses for the IBM Z mainframe security
• Implement and maintain an organization’s security policy on the mainframe.

Your mainframe mission-critical data, requiring the highest levels of protection. VBT Europe will continuously monitor your mainframe environment to keep everything patched to block threats before they wreak havoc.

Assessing Mainframe Compliance While Minimizing Operational Impact

Mainframes are the backbone of many businesses and often house their most crucial data.
it is imperative to have visibility of mainframes alongside other IT assets in a single inventory and be aware of how well these critical systems are prepared for internal and external compliance audits.

Reduced Bsiness Risk

VBT Europe security specialists by enforcing security policy and using best practices, your organization can reduce risks to your business operations.

With VBT Europe Professional Services, you get the talent and experience to fulfill your needs by taking advantage of the best in current and emerging technologies:

• Our technical consultants help guard your organization’s essential data.
• Our technical consultants help increase efficiency, reduce errors and improve auditing and compliance.
• Our technical consultants Prevent hacking, strengthen user controls, and ease administration with tight resource access control facility (RACF) integration.
• Our technical consultants advises you on the best security solutions.
• Operationalize security to benefit your customers and your bottom line with VBT Europe security specialists